• photo by / Butch Andre photo by / Butch Andre
  • photo by / Butch Andre photo by / Butch Andre
  • photo by / Bright Festival photo by / Bright Festival
  • photo by / Butch Andre photo by / Butch Andre
  • photo by / Butch Andre photo by / Butch Andre
  • photo by / Butch Andre photo by / Butch Andre
  • photo by / Butch Andre photo by / Butch Andre
  • photo by / Butch Andre photo by / Butch Andre
  • photo by / Butch Andre photo by / Butch Andre
  • photo by / Butch Andre photo by / Butch Andre
  • photo by / Butch Andre photo by / Butch Andre
  • photo by / Butch Andre photo by / Butch Andre
  • photo by / Butch Andre photo by / Butch Andre
  • photo by / Butch Andre photo by / Butch Andre
  • photo by / Max Elske photo by / Max Elske
  • photo by / Butch Andre photo by / Butch Andre
  • photo by / Max Elske photo by / Max Elske
  • photo by / Max Elske photo by / Max Elske
  • photo by / Max Elske photo by / Max Elske
  • photo by / Max Elske photo by / Max Elske
  • photo by / Max Elske photo by / Max Elske
  • photo by / Max Elske photo by / Max Elske
  • photo by / Max Elske photo by / Max Elske
  • photo by / Max Elske photo by / Max Elske
  • photo by / Max Elske photo by / Max Elske
  • photo by / lbs photo by / lbs
  • photo by / Max Elske photo by / Max Elske
  • photo by / lbs photo by / lbs
  • photo by / lbs photo by / lbs
  • photo by / lbs photo by / lbs
  • photo by / lbs photo by / lbs
  • photo by / lbs photo by / lbs
  • photo by / Max Elske photo by / Max Elske

Flower Fondue

Immersive Art @ Bright Festival Connect

In seemingly unsettling times, soothing is in vogue. Mindfulness, CBD oil and ASMR videos help an overtaxed society to sedate itself. Out of this context, artist Betty Mü plays with the genre of Oddly Satisfying Videos. Within a viscous substance a fascinating microcosm swims past the viewer: floral arrangements, sinuous shells, shimmering insects. The artist deliberately sets a counterpoint in the immersive space. Where computer animations and digital effects otherwise predominate, she shows the organic, the intuitive, the hand-filmed. Calming down and lulling, however, are not her intentions when she confronts her images with the jarring industrial sound of the musician Mortel (Martin Peter of Black Gain).

“Flower Fondue” was presented as part of Bright Festival Connect, an international collaboration project that promotes creative cooperation between cultures and countries. After Florence 2019, the 2020 and 2021 festival took place at Kunstkraftwerk Leipzig, one of the leading locations for immersive digital art experiences in Germany.

Flower Fondue
Immersive VideoArt
Sound: Mortel (Martin Peter) //Black Gain
October 21-24, 2021


Kunstkraftwerk / Leipzig

Exhibition, Videomapping