Print on plexiglass, ø190 cm // Rear projection videomapping // length: approx. 16 minutes
Art object: Tanja Hirschfeld // Video projection: Betty Mü
During the first cultural contact between Japan and Germany, the Takeuchi delegation, a high-ranking Japanese exploratory commission for Western Europe, visited the Grimm brothers in Berlin in 1862 and found great pleasure in their works.
Not only were the Kinder- und Hausmärchen translated and very quickly popularized as Japanese children’s literature, but the Grimm’s method of collecting folk traditions was also copied. Since then, her fairy tale characters have inspired Japanese book illustrators, plastic artists, cartoonists, and manga artists, as well as influencing, not least, Japanese ethnology.
The artist Tanja Hirschfeld, who deals intensively with the fusion of cultures in her oil paintings, was inspired by this German-Japanese encounter. In the illustrative style of Japanese woodblock prints, she combines figures from the Grimm fairy tales with characters from Japanese sagas. For the collaborative work with video and projection artist Betty Mü, known for her imaginative and fairy-tale-like installations, she had her drawing made into an oversized video-playable surface.
Video scenes from various dream worlds thus merge with the drawing via rear projection and video mapping to form a single entity. A new spatiality is defined. The special characteristic of the installation is that the video-played elements never repeat themselves in their combination.
Ludwigstraße 11, Munich // February 13, 2020
Hans-Sachs-Str. 15, Munich // March 15, 2020
Video MIM Galerie
Reichenbachstrasse 21, Munich // April 5-11, 2021
Art and artists* are in lockdown. While they are locked in, so to speak, the audience is locked out. The public stands in front of closed museum, gallery and theater doors. People are outside and can’t get in – art is inside and can’t get out.
In these times of closed doors, the Foundation Art and Nature wants to encourage artists to break out with their art, to go outside and to the people. Art breaks out, takes up space, becomes visible and makes itself heard:
Unexpected, creative, surprising.
Across Germany, from April 5 to 11, 2021, art eruptions can be observed in a wide variety of places: Physical and directly for the people in the public and social space on site – and directly thereafter transferred into the digital space.
Follow #kunstausbruch
Wabi Sabi Shibui, München; MIM Galerie, München; Holy Home, München;
Feb. 20 - April. 21